Requested Reports

Many reports in TOMS are available for immediate download. However, some reports take time for the system to generate; a notification email will be sent when the report is ready for download. The email will direct the user to the [Requested Reports] action tab under the [Reports] navigation tab, in the top navigation bar.

The Requested Reports screen lists all requested reports from the past 30 days. Users will receive an email with a link to this screen once a report is ready.

To access a requested report, select the [Reports] navigation tab from the top navigation bar, and then select the [Requested Reports] action tab. A list of all reports requested in the last 30 days will be displayed (figure 1).

When the status is “Pending,” the Action field is grayed out. When the status is “Available,” the [Download] button is activated. Select the [Download] button to download the requested report.

Requested Reports screen.

Figure 1. Requested Reports