Notifications: Overview

Use the [Notifications] tab of the MyTOMS Home screen to view the list of notifications relevant to the user’s LEA. LEA coordinators can also create notifications for the LEA.

Quick Instructions: Create Notification

  1. On the MyTOMS Home screen, select the [Notifications] tab.
  2. On the [Notifications] tab, select the [Create Notification] button.
  3. Enter the subject of the notification.
  4. Select the organization for which the notification is being created. If the notification is for a specific organization, select it from the drop-down list. If no organization is chosen, the notification is displayed for all users within the LEA.
  5. Select the special conditions applicable to the notification as needed.
  6. Select the role type for which the notification is being created. If the notification is for users with a specific role, select the role from the list. If no role is chosen, all user roles within that organization can access the notification.
  7. Select the announcement start date.
  8. Select the announcement end date.
  9. Select the Send Email radio button to post the message in TOMS and send via email to a selected group of users. Otherwise, select the Do Not Send Email radio button to post the message in TOMS only.
  10. Enter the announcement text in the box provided; no more than 255 characters can be entered.
  11. Select the appropriate button to complete this screen.
    • Select the [Save] button to post the notification and, if Send Email is selected, to send it by email to the selected group of users.
    • Select the [Back to Notifications] button, at the top of the screen, to return to the Notifications screen. The notification will not be saved.
    • Select the [Clear] button to remove text from all the fields without saving.

Detailed Instructions: Create Notification

Follow these steps to create a notification.

  1. On the MyTOMS Home screen, select the [Notifications] tab (figure 1).

    Notifications tab of the MyTOMS Home screen.

    Figure 1. MyTOMS Home—[Notifications] Tab

  2. On the [Notifications] tab, select the [Create Notifications] button (figure 2).

    Create Notification Button.

    Figure 2. [Create Notification] Button

    Create Notification screen.

    Figure 3. Create Notification Screen

  3. Enter the subject of the notification up to 100 characters (figure 3).
  4. Select the organization for which the notification is being created. If the notification is for a specific organization, select it from the drop-down list. If no organization is chosen, the notification is displayed for all users within the LEA.
  5. Select the special conditions applicable to the notification as needed.
  6. Select the role type for which the notification is being created. If the notification is for users with a specific role, select the role from the list. If no role is chosen, all user roles within that organization can access the notification.
  7. Select the announcement start date.
  8. Select the announcement end date.
  9. Select the Send Email radio button to post the message in TOMS and send via email to a group of selected users. Otherwise, select the Do Not Send Email radio button to post the message in TOMS only.
  10. Enter the announcement text in the box provided; no more than 255 characters can be entered.
  11. Select the appropriate button to complete this screen.
    • Select the [Save] button to post the notification and, if Send Email is selected, to send it by email to the selected group of users.
    • Select the [Back to Notifications] button, at the top of the screen, to return to the Notifications screen. The notification will not be saved.
    • Select the [Clear] button to remove text from all the fields without saving.