External Links: Overview

Use the [Links] navigation tab to access external links to CAASPP and ELPAC program resources (figure 1).

Figure 2 and table 1 provide information about external links to CAASPP program resources.

CAASPP External Links.

Figure 2. CAASPP External Links

Table 1. CAASPP External Links

Name Description
Test Administrator (TA) Interface The TA Interface is used to start and monitor student test sessions for both interim and summative assessments.
Data Entry Interface (DEI) The DEI is used to enter students’ responses or scores for assessments completed on paper. For more information, visit the DEI Instructions chapter in the CAASPP Paper–Pencil Testing Test Administration Manual.
Completion Status The Completion Status and Roster Management system is the primary means of viewing test status and completion data and managing rosters for students taking CAASPP assessments. For more information, visit the Guide to CAASPP and ELPAC Completion Status.
Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) The THSS enables users to hand score student constructed responses to interim assessment items that require hand scoring as well as to reassign the scoring task.
Interim Assessment Viewing System The Interim Assessment Viewing System provides users with access to view interim assessment items for professional development and training purposes. This link directs the user to the logon page.
California Educator Reporting System (CERS) CERS enables users to access results for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments. Users can also access summative assessment results for CAASPP and the ELPAC. Through CERS, group administrators can create and manage student groups. For more information, visit the California Educator Reporting System User Guide.
Test Results for California’s Assessments website The public reporting website provides a place where users can access aggregated CAASPP and ELPAC results for California’s assessments. This web page also allows for the user to compare test results in many different categories.
Practice and Training Tests The Online Practice and Training Tests web page contains links to online practice and training tests for test administrators, test examiners, parents/guardians, and students.
Tools for Teachers Tools for Teachers is a free, online collection of instructional and professional development resources that support K–12 educators in their use of formative assessment processes to adjust teaching and improve student learning.
Lexile® & Quantile® Hub The Lexile & Quantile Hub is an online platform that offers instructional and planning resources, including a career database, book search, text analyzer, academic word lists, and mathematics skills database. Educators can register at no cost, and TOMS users can access Hub resources seamlessly from within TOMS. More information regarding the tools found on the Hub can be found on the Lexile® & Quantile® Measures web page.
CAASPP & ELPAC Website The CAASPP & ELPAC Website hosts many key resources that an LEA needs to administer CAASPP and ELPAC, including training materials, instructions, forms, external links, calendars of important dates, and the most recent CAASPP and ELPAC news.

Figure 3 and table 2 provide information about external links to ELPAC program resources.

ELPAC External Links.

Figure 3. ELPAC External Links

Table 2. ELPAC External Links

Name Description
Test Administrator (TA) Interface The TA Interface is used to start and monitor student test sessions for both interim and summative assessments.
Data Entry Interface (DEI) The DEI is used to enter students’ responses or scores for assessments completed on paper. For more information, visit the Using the DEI chapter in the Summative ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual or the Using the DEI chapter in the Initial ELPAC Online Test Administration Manual.
Completion Status The Completion Status and Roster Management system is the primary means of viewing test status and completion data and managing rosters for students taking ELPAC assessments. For more information, visit the Guide to CAASPP and ELPAC Completion Status.
Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) The THSS enables users to hand score student responses to items that require hand scoring as well as reassign the scoring task.
Interim Assessment Viewing System The Interim Assessment Viewing System provides users with access to view interim assessment items for professional development and training purposes. This link directs the user to the logon page.
California Educator Reporting System (CERS) CERS enables users to access results for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments. Users can also access summative assessment results for the CAASPP and the ELPAC. Through CERS, group administrators can create and manage student groups. For more information, visit the California Educator Reporting System User Guide.
Test Results for California’s Assessments website The public reporting website provides a place where users can access aggregated CAASPP and ELPAC results for California’s assessments. This web page also allows for the user to compare test results in many different categories.
Practice and Training Tests The Online Practice and Training Tests web page contains links to online practice and training tests for test administrators, test examiners, parents/guardians, and students.
Tools for Teachers Tools for Teachers is a free, online collection of instructional and professional development resources that support K–12 educators in their use of formative assessment processes to adjust teaching and improve student learning.
Lexile® & Quantile® Hub The Lexile & Quantile Hub is an online platform that offers instructional and planning resources, including a career database, book search, text analyzer, academic word lists, and mathematics skills database. Educators can register at no cost, and TOMS users can access Hub resources seamlessly from within TOMS. More information regarding the tools found on the Hub can be found on the Lexile® & Quantile® Measures web page.
CAASPP & ELPAC website The CAASPP & ELPAC Website hosts many key resources that an LEA needs to administer the CAASPP and ELPAC, including training materials, instructions, forms, external links, calendars of important dates, and the most recent CAASPP and ELPAC news.