
Refer to the Applicable Conditions subsection for each Appeal’s description in the Appeals Definitions chapter for Appeal criteria associated with the types of breaches.

Exposing Secure Materials

Retaining, Copying, Discussing, or Sharing (Student)

A student retained or shared secure test materials or copied or discussed test items, stimuli, reading passages, writing prompts, or answers for any reason.

Retaining, Copying, Discussing, or Sharing (Adult)

An adult retained or shared secure test materials or access to secure materials or copied or discussed test items, stimuli, reading passages, writing prompts, or answers for any reason.

Social Media (Adult)

An adult shared or posted items or test materials, either online or with the media.

Social Media (Student)

A student shared or posted items or test materials, either online or with the media.


Adult Interference (Assistance to Students or Unauthorized Access)

A test examiner or a teacher provided coaching or some other type of assistance that may affect a student’s responses.

A test administrator or test examiner provided students with nonallowable materials or devices or nonprescribed accommodation during test administration.

Someone other than the student had unauthorized access to student tests.

Applicable for remote test sessions only— Invalidate the test because a parent/guardian or some other person present in the room during a remote test session provided coaching or some other type of assistance that may affect the student's responses.

A test administrator, test examiner, or coordinator modified student responses or records.