
Reviewing STAIRS Case Statuses

Access the Case

To review a STAIRS case, select the [STAIRS] navigation tab and then the [Search STAIRS] action tab in TOMS to access the Search for Incidents screen and search for a STAIRS case or cases. Select the [View] magnifying glass [Magnifying glass icon] icon in the Actions column of the results table to open an individual case to review its details on the STAIRS Summary screen.

Refer to the Search STAIRS > Quick Instructions subsection in the CAASPP and ELPAC TOMS User Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Possible STAIRS statuses are presented in table 1.

Table 1. STAIRS Statuses

STAIRS Status Definition
Completed All Appeals for all the SSIDs included in the case were processed by a Success Agent or the CDE, or the STAIRS case required no Appeals.
Draft The case is saved in TOMS and will be submitted at a later date but before the end of the testing window.
Partial CDE Approval The CDE has approved or rejected some, but not all, of the Appeals within the case.
Partial CalTAC Approval A Success Agent has approved, rejected, or withdrawn some, but not all, of the Appeals within the case.
Pending CDE Approval The CDE has yet to approve or reject at least one SSID associated with the case.
Pending CalTAC Approval The Success Agent has yet to approve, reject, or withdraw at least one SSID associated with the case.

Withdraw a Case

A STAIRS case that is still pending approval from a Success Agent or the CDE can be withdrawn (cancelled) by an LEA or site coordinator. This is accomplished on the STAIRS Summary screen. Refer to the step-by-step instructions in the STAIRS Summary subsection of the CAASPP and ELPAC TOMS User Guide.

Reviewing Appeal Statuses

To review an Appeal status, select the [STAIRS] navigation tab and then the [Search Appeals] action tab in TOMS to access the Search for Appeals screen and search for an Appeal or Appeals. Select the [View] magnifying glass [Magnifying glass icon] icon in the Actions column of the results table to open an individual case to review its details on the Appeals Summary screen.

Refer to the Search Appeals section in the CAASPP and ELPAC TOMS User Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Possible Appeals statuses are presented in table 2.

Table 2. Appeals Statuses

Appeals Status Definition
Approved Appeals for SSIDs included in the STAIRS case are either auto approved by the TDS or have been approved by a Success Agent or the CDE.
Pending Appeals for SSIDs included in the STAIRS case have been approved and are awaiting processing by the TDS.
Pending Approval Appeals for SSID(s) included in the STAIRS case are awaiting approval from the CDE or a Success Agent.
Rejected Appeals for SSIDs included in the STAIRS case were rejected by the CDE or a Success Agent.
Rejected by System Appeals for SSIDs included in the STAIRS case were rejected by the TDS.
Swap Approved The assessment results for SSIDs included in the STAIRS case have been associated with the correct SSIDs. However, the swap should not be considered complete until notified by email.
Withdrawn Appeals for SSID(s) included in the STAIRS case were withdrawn by the user.

An Appeal associated with an individual student can also be viewed in that student’s Student Profile, in the [Score Status] tab.

Reviewing Completion Status

Use the Plan and Manage Testing tool in the Completion Status module to verify student testing activity prior to filing an Appeal. Detailed instructions about generating these reports can be found in the Guide to CAASPP and ELPAC Completion Status . For example, before submitting a Reopen Appeal for the CAASPP, the LEA CAASPP coordinator must verify that the assessment does not have an existing Invalidate Appeal for the present test administration year, or that the tests are submitted in the TDS prior to second scoring a Summative Alternate ELPAC in the DEI or prior to entering scores for the Speaking domain for the ELPAC in the DEI.