Required Information

The STAIRS/Appeals process requires the following information from coordinators:

  • Date of the incident
  • School name
  • Grade affected
  • Test name
    • Users with designated CAASPP roles can select CAA ELA and CAA Math, CAA for Science, CAST, CSA, and Smarter Balanced.
    • Users with designated ELPAC roles can select Initial ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, Summative Alternate ELPAC, or Initial Alternate ELPAC.
  • Test type or domain (The selections for this drop-down list are dependent on the test name selected.)
    • The Initial and Summative ELPAC—Reading, Listening, Speaking, or Writing
    • The CAA—ELA or mathematics
    • Smarter Balanced—ELA—Performance Task, ELA—Non PT, ELA—Special Version or Emergency Form, Math—PT, Math—Non PT, and Math—Special Version or Emergency Form.
    • Either an Online or Paper–Pencil test administration for the CAST , Smarter Balanced , Initial ELPAC, and Summative ELPAC
  • Type of testing issue, which is listed in the Testing Incident Types chapter
  • Total number of students involved in this incident
  • SSID(s) for the student(s) involved when the testing incident type requires an SSID
  • A brief description of the incident
    • The description should contain additional information about the case and not just restate the testing issue selected on the previous screen(s).