Coordinator Responsibilities

Site ELPAC Coordinator and CAASPP Test Site Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Receives notification of an incident
  • Reviews the information provided and verifies that the occurrence is a reportable incident
  • Follows social media exposure procedures: If there is a breach or irregularity due to social media exposure on the part of a student or adult or due to media coverage of a test administration, immediately informs the LEA coordinator
  • Contacts the LEA ELPAC coordinator or LEA CAASPP coordinator and provides all pertinent information regarding the incident (If it is the established procedure of the LEA, the site coordinator may submit a STAIRS case.)

LEA CAASPP and ELPAC Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Receives notification of an incident
  • Reviews the information and verifies that the occurrence is a reportable incident
  • Follows social media exposure procedures: If there is a breach or irregularity due to social media exposure on the part of a student or adult or due to media coverage of a test administration, the LEA coordinator must immediately notify CalTAC or Success Agents at 800-955-2954 about the breach or irregularity. In addition, the LEA must also submit a STAIRS case documenting the testing incident of breach or irregularity.
  • Reports the incident by submitting a STAIRS case
  • Submits a Plan of Action for applicable ELPAC testing incidents
  • Keeps any documentation associated with the incident for one year