Considerations Prior to Test Administration

LEA coordinators should work with site coordinators and other LEA staff and take the following actions prior to test administration to reduce the chances that student testing will be interrupted or delayed if a testing incident were to occur.

  • Verify that student test settings are correct in TOMS and in the Test Administrator Interface before the student starts testing. If a Reset Appeal is required to resolve incorrect test settings, the student’s testing will be interrupted or delayed while the STAIRS case is submitted and the Reset Appeal is processed.
    • For the Initial ELPAC, the student’s embedded designated supports and non-embedded accessibility resources can be changed in the Test Administrator Interface before the student starts testing or while the test is paused.
    • For CAASPP and the Summative ELPAC, the LEA must ensure that all designated supports and accommodations are correctly assigned to the student(s) in CALPADS and that correct test settings have been selected for the student(s) in TOMS before the student(s) start testing.
  • Set up an appropriate schedule with testing times that ensure all students can test in a timely manner.
  • LEAs are encouraged to ensure that all tests within the CAASPP and all domains for the Summative ELPAC and the Initial ELPAC are completed before they expire. This will avoid the need to submit a STAIRS case and ask for a Reopen Appeal.
  • While planning to administer a test for the Listening domain, an LEA ELPAC coordinator and site ELPAC coordinator must check that audio arrangements are functioning correctly and eligible students have been assigned the pause or replay audio embedded designated support (instructions for their use are found in the Audio chapter of the CAASPP and ELPAC TOMS User Guide). Assignment of this setting can be verified in the Student Profile in TOMS by a coordinator, as well as in the Test Administrator Interface by the test examiner.