Case Communications

Emails for CAASPP and the ELPAC

STAIRS sends an automated email to verify a submission, approval, rejection, withdrawal, and addition of case notes. When a site ELPAC coordinator or CAASPP test site coordinator has submitted the case, the LEA ELPAC coordinator or LEA CAASPP coordinator is also copied as a recipient of the same email.

Notifications in TOMS for CAASPP and the ELPAC

There are various notifications in TOMS that communicate case status.

  • A case in Draft status will generate a message in the [Notifications] tab on the LEA’s home page in TOMS or on the LEA’s To-Do List.
  • The messages in the To-Do List and in the [Notifications] tab also remind the LEA about the submission of STAIRS cases in Draft status before the testing window ends.

Notes and Comments for CAASPP and the ELPAC

The Notes feature can be used to communicate about STAIRS cases irrespective of whether the case involves an Appeal. LEA site users can use the Notes feature to communicate with the CDE or Success Agents for that particular STAIRS case only. However, only an LEA coordinator can contact CalTAC or Success Agents by phone, including situations regarding a breach that is caused as a result of a social media exposure on the part of a student or adult or due to media coverage of an administration. The Notes feature permits secure communication with the CDE and Success Agents about a STAIRS case.

Refer to the STAIRS Notes subsection in the CAASPP and ELPAC TOMS User Guide for step-by-step instructions to access a Note.

ELPAC Notations

Some testing incidents for the ELPAC may require that an irregularity notation be included in reports related to STAIRS, on the STAIRS Confirmation screen, on the STAIRS Summary screen, and in the [Score Status] tab of the Student Profile in TOMS. The irregularity notation is applicable to the Initial ELPAC and the Summative ELPAC only. An Appeal may or may not be accompanied with an irregularity notation. The student(s) with this notation will be included in the calculation of the school’s participation rate and the irregularity will not affect the student’s scores.

ELPAC Plan of Action

Some testing incidents for the Summative Alternate ELPAC, the Initial Alternate ELPAC, the Initial ELPAC, and the Summative ELPAC require that a corrective plan of action be provided by the LEA within the case description at the time of submitting the STAIRS case. The submission of STAIRS incidents for certain testing issues for the ELPAC require the LEA ELPAC coordinator or the site ELPAC coordinator to provide a corrective plan of action within the case description describing the resolution the LEA intends to implement to avoid such irregularities or breaches in the future. The corrective plan of action may include, but is not limited to, a description of specific training or communication measures.

The testing incident types that require a plan are as follows:

  • Accessibility Issue
  • Administration Error
  • Administered Incorrect Assessment
  • Technical Issue (only includes the scenario for the Listening domain that results in a Reset Appeal)
  • Data Entry Interface (only applicable for kindergarten through grade two Writing and kindergarten through grade twelve Paper–Pencil tests, all domains)
  • Exposing Secure Materials
  • Incorrect SSID Used
  • Student Cheating or Accessing Unauthorized Devices
  • Student Disruption
  • Validity Issue