When to Submit an Appeal

  1. An Appeal must be filed before the end of the testing window and, in most circumstances, within 24 hours of the occurrence of the testing incident.
  2. A delayed Appeal is not an Appeal type; it is a scenario where the LEA starts a STAIRS case and saves it as a draft to be submitted with an Appeal request at a later date. The LEA CAASPP coordinator or CAASPP test site coordinator can choose to start a STAIRS case in TOMS for an online assessment and save it in Draft status for submission at a later date, but before the end of the testing window, under the following conditions:
    • In the event of the accidental administration of a summative assessment instead of an interim assessment or practice test for CAASPP summative assessments, where the student needs a Reopen Appeal later—because, for example, the student will not be ready to finish the assessment before it expires—the LEA may delay submitting the Appeal and save the STAIRS case in Draft mode. Once the student is ready to complete the assessment, the LEA will submit the case so the test can be reopened.
  3. Any Appeal that results in a student’s continued testing must be filed with sufficient time for the student to complete testing before the end of the testing window. If a test is reopened, a student will have 10 calendar days to complete the reopened test.
  4. An Appeal may delay a student’s receipt of an SSR. Reasons for an SSR to be delayed due to an Appeal include the following:
    • The CDE or Success Agent might require further details from the LEA prior to approving an Appeal.
    • The test was reset as a result of the Appeal, and the process to generate the SSR restarts only after the student completes the test again.