Training Resources
Both the CDE and the ETS California Outreach team communicate with LEA CAASPP coordinators and other interest holders by email.
Assessment Spotlight
The CDE sends a weekly email, the Assessment Spotlight, about current and upcoming activities related to statewide testing to subscribers who opt in to receive the emails. Emails are archived on the CDE Assessment Spotlight web page.
To join the email list, send a blank message to
Coordinator Emails
Primary and secondary LEA CAASPP coordinators, as assigned in TOMS, are sent program-wide communications from the ETS California Outreach team. Topics include monthly updates, scheduled system downtime, administration downtime, and training announcements and reminders.
Emails for the current and previous test administration year are posted on the Coordinator Emails web page. Targeted emails that are sent to selected LEAs are not archived.
Training and Videos
A variety of workshops and professional development opportunities each year are available on a variety of topics. Most statewide trainings are held virtually. Training opportunities are available for CAASPP coordinators as well as classroom educators. Refer to the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page to review the topics scheduled.
All Participants
All LEA CAASPP coordinators, site CAASPP coordinators, TAs, TEs (both primary and secondary), and school administrative staff who will be involved in CAASPP assessment administration should review the applicable supplemental videos and archived trainings available on the Upcoming and On-Demand Trainings web page.
CAASPP Coordinators
The LEA CAASPP coordinator and site CAASPP coordinator are responsible for ensuring all appropriate trainings have been completed. Such training should include, but not be limited to, training on item security and professional conduct associated with the administration of standardized assessments.
Test Administrators
TAs for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and mathematics, the CAST, and the CSA can take the optional Test Administrator Tutorial, which covers all of the basic information needed to prepare TAs to administer the general assessments. The Test Administrator Tutorial does not contain any secure content. This training is available in Moodle and requires a Moodle account and a course enrollment key. LEA CAASPP coordinators should distribute the Moodle enrollment key to the site CAASPP coordinators and TAs.
If the tutorial will be offered to TAs, LEA CAASPP coordinators should also provide local and relevant testing information. An LEA still has the option to provide local training.
Test Examiners
TEs for the CAAs—for ELA, mathematics, science, or any combination thereof—must receive training and certification by completing the required CAA Test Examiner Tutorial. There are three content-area sections: General, CAA for Science, and CAAs for ELA and Mathematics. After successfully completing the General section of the tutorial, participants must complete all Check for Understanding questions correctly in the CAA for Science section, the CAAs for ELA and Mathematics section, or both content-area sections to receive a certificate of completion. All videos in the tutorial are recommended, but not required, for certification. CAA TEs are required to participate in training prior to administering the CAAs (5 CCR, Section 850[ag]).
Secondary scorers should view the Test Examiner Tutorial for the CAAs for ELA and mathematics. Two videos are available to demonstrate how to second-score and how to input second scores into the DEI:
Trained TEs receive a certificate of completion, generated automatically by the online training system. TEs must be trained each year before administering one or more of the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science.
Practice and Training Tests
In preparation for the test and to expose students to the various computer-based assessment item-response types in ELA, mathematics, CSA, and science (refer to appendix B for item types), it is highly recommended that all students access the practice and training tests on the device the student will use for testing. Each resource offers students a unique opportunity to experience a test in a manner similar to what they will be presented on the CAASPP assessments and prepares students for testing. These resources will not be automatically scored; however, for reference, scoring guides for the practice tests are available on the Practice and Training Test Resources web page.
Refer to Appendix C: Practice and Training Tests for details about the available CAASPP practice and training tests.