Appendix F: Additional Information About Accessibility Resources
Multiplication Table
A paper-based multiplication table containing numbers 1–12 is available for reference on Smarter Balanced for Mathematics and the CAST. The multiplication table is a non-embedded accommodation for grades three and above mathematics items and a non-embedded designated support for the CAST in grades five and eight and high school. The multiplication table is to be used only for students with a documented and persistent calculation disability (for example, dyscalculia) as documented in their IEP or Section 504 plan.
The multiplication table can be printed and enlarged, if required, for students requiring this resource. The Multiplication Table is available on the Accessibility Resources web page. It should be downloaded and printed prior to testing. Use of other multiplication tables is prohibited.
100s Number Table
A paper-based table listing numbers from 1–100 is available for reference on Smarter Balanced for Mathematics and the CAST. The 100s Number Table is to be used only for students with visual processing or spatial perception needs as documented in their IEP or Section 504 plan. The 100s Number Table is available as a non-embedded accommodation (mathematics) or non-embedded designated support (CAST). For the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics, this accommodation can be used by students in grades three through eight and grade eleven. For the CAST, this designated support can be used by students in grades five and eight and high school.
This table can be printed for students requiring this accommodation. The 100s Number Table is available on the Accessibility Resources web page. Use of other 100s number tables is prohibited.